Kareena Kapoor Khan and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second son Jehangir Ali Khan last year in February. Since then the actress has been on maternity leave. Now the actress is gearing up to return to the film set with Sujoy Ghosh’s film. Scroll down to know more.
Reportedly, Sujoy’s film is the Hindi adaptation of Keigo Higashino’s most acclaimed work, ‘The Devotion of Suspect X’. The film will also star Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Verma in important roles. The film was originally intended to make in 2015.
As per the ETimes report, Kareena Kapoor Khan will kick start the shoot for Sujoy Ghosh’s crime mystery from next month. Soon the cast will begin the workshop and as per the plan, the team will head to West Bengal next month where the film will be shot in a start to finish schedule.
The report further claimed that the filmmaker first announced the film in 2015 with Saif Ali Khan on board. However, it did not materialize and now seven years later, Bebo is onboard with the project.
For the unversed, Sujoy Ghosh’s film which is based on Keigo Higashino’s ‘The Devotion of Suspect X’ is one of much-expected films. The Japanese author’s book revolves around a single mother who accidentally kills her ex-husband. The report also claims that Kareena Kapoor Khan has already begun preparation for the role.
Meanwhile, Kareena will also be seen in Aamir Khan’s film Laal Singh Chaddha, which is the remake of Tom Hanks’ film Forrest Gump. The film is slated to hit the big screen on April 14, 2022. Apart from this, she will also be seen in Ekta Kapoor and Hansal Mehta’s untitled project. Karan Johar’s Takht is also in the pipeline.
So what do you think of Kareena Kapoor Khan in Sujoy Ghosh’s crime mystery? Let us know in the comments.