A while ago, the rumours of Akshay Kumar cancelling The Kapil Sharma Show were doing the rounds on social media and earlier today, Kapil Sharma took to his Twitter and clarified the air between the two. Now, KRK has taken a dig at both comedian and Akshay and revealed that he would review the entire episode if ‘Khiladi Kumar’ appears on it post controversy. Scroll below to read the scoop.
The last time when Akshay appeared at the show, the comedian jokingly took a dig at the superstar’s interview with PM Narendra Modi and reportedly this didn’t go well with the Khiladi of Bollywood. Kumar later asked the makers to not air a specific chunk of the show’s conversation on the channel but got surfaced later on social media which left Akki upset with the production team of the show.
Clarifying the air, Kapil Sharma took to his Twitter and wrote, “Dear friends, was reading all the news in media about me n Akshay paji, I have jus spoke to paji n sorted all this, it was jus a miss communication, all is well n very soon we r meeting to shoot Bachhan pandey episode. He is my big bro n can never be annoyed with me thank you.”
Dear friends,was reading all the news in media about me n Akshay paji, I have jus spoke to paji n sorted all this, it was jus a miss communication, all is well n very soon we r meeting to shoot Bachhan pandey episode. He is my big bro n can never be annoyed with me 😊thank you 🙏
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) February 8, 2022
Reacting to Kapil Sharma’s tweet, KRK expressed his views on Twitter and wrote, “Kapil Sharma insulted @akshaykumar big time. If still Akki will go to his show, then I will review entire episode. Hope Akki bhai will keep his respect and distance from Kapil Sharma.”
Kapil Sharma insulted @akshaykumar big time. If still Akki will go to his show, then I will review entire episode. Hope Akki bhai will keep his respect and distance from Kapil Sharma.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) February 8, 2022
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