The social comedy directed by Jai Basantu Singh that stars Nushrratt Bharuccha, Anud Singh, Tinnu Anand, Vijay Raaz and Paritosh Tripathi will release in theatres on 10th June. The actress with the producers announced the release with an endearing video on social media with its unique messaging: Ek Womaniyaa Hai Sab Pe Bhaari, Yeh Suchna Hai Janhit Mein Jaari!
Presented by Vinod Bhanushali & Raaj Shaandilyaa, a Bhanushali Studios Limited and Think Ink Picturez production in association with Shree Raghav Entertainment LLP, produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Kamlesh Bhanushali, Vishal Gurnani, Raaj Shaandilyaa, Vimal Lahoti, Shradha Chandavarkar, Bunty Raghav and Rajesh Raghav, Janhit Mein Jaari is co-produced by Juhi Parekh Mehta.
Janhit Mein Jaari is a Zee Studios release- Ab bade parde pe ek bada idea.
Vinod Bhanushali and Raaj Shaandilyaa’s Janhit Mein Jaari led by Nushrratt Bharuccha is all set to release on 10th June!
Yeh Womaniyaa hogi Sab Pe Bhaari, Yeh Suchna Hai Janhit Mein Jaari!