The Greek god of Bollywood Hrithik Roshan has been away from the big screen for a long time now but he’s never far away from making headlines. Post his divorce from Susanne Khan the actor is enjoying his single life with his sons, while his ex-wife has allegedly found love in Arslan Goni. However, recently, when the superstar went out in public for dinner, the Krrish star was spotted with a mystery girl and netizens are curious to know her identity.
Post his separation from Khan, HR was never linked with anyone, until now. From cousins to friends, the people on the internet have speculated a lot about the girl with HR.
Hrithik Roshan was spotted by paparazzi as he was leaving a restaurant named Mizu in the Khar West, Mumbai. The Bang Bang star was seen holding the hands of a mystery girl as he accompanied her to the car. The video has now gone viral as the clip has sparked dating rumours; even netizens are super curious to know who the girl is.
Reacting to the video of Hrithik Roshan with a girl, a user wrote, “Please tell me he is dating again,” a second user wrote, “Who’s that girl with Hrithik sir?,” while others reacted with heart images.
There were others who claim it’s his cousin while a user said it’s Shivaleeka Oberoi from the movie Khuda Haafiz, while a user speculated it could be Saba Azad. “She’s Saba Azad (with) Pashmina and Sunaina. They follow her on Insta and vice versa.”
On the work front, Hrithik Roshan is currently gearing up for the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha, and his first look from the film was unveiled on the actor’s birthday. The movie also features Saif Ali Khan and Radhika Apte in pivotal roles. The original Tamil blockbuster starred R Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi in lead roles. Apart from this HR is also working on Fighter with Deepika Padukone and Krrish 4.