Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan, who made headlines as he made his relationship with actress Saba Azad official by walking the red carpet on Karan Johar’s birthday bash, has ditched the beard that he had grown for Vikram Vedha as he announced a fresh look.
The actor took to his Instagram as he shared a mirror selfie from his dressing up session. He captioned the picture, “Last night. Also last post with beard (sic).”
Interestingly, Hrithik Roshan’s look in Vikram Vedha is very different from what he’s done in the past, and with this recent post the ‘War’ star hinted how the film is nearing completion as he bids adieu to his look.
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While Hrithik Roshan walked the red carpet holding Saba Azad’s hands, his ex-wife Sussanne Khan arrived at the party with her boyfriend Arslan Goni.
Hrithik and Saba were first spotted together in February on a dinner date. Since then, the ‘Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge’ actress has been invited to family events by the Roshans and the couple frequently comment on each other’s Instagram posts.
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