Salim Khan tied the knot with Salma Khan (alias Sushila Charak) back in 1964. The duo was blessed with 4 children – Salman, Arbaaz, Sohail and Alvira. But it was back in 1981 that he made his romance with Helen official with a second marriage. Eventually, they adopted Arpita, making one big happy family. But did you know? The initial days of romance were a lot of hide and seek? Scroll below for more details.
Most wouldn’t know but Salma and Helen share a great bond. They always look out for each other during get-togethers and other family functions. Similarly, Arpita is also really close to her step-siblings. In fact, Salman Khan and other members are constantly looking out for her and her husband Aayush Sharma.
Arbaaz Khan has recently started hosting a chat show in association with Bollywood Bubble that features veteran stars talking about their Bollywood journeys and personal lives. The latest one who took to the couch was Helen who spoke about her initial days of romance with Salim Khan and how she always intended to respect Salma Khan.
Helen told Arbaaz Khan, “In the beginning, what I used to do, you know when I used to pass Bandstand, and I would know sometimes Mummy [Salma] is standing in the balcony, I would duck right down so she would not see me and think that the car would be empty near your house. I used to keep her respect so much.”
Just not that, the veteran star gave a lot of credit to Salma for their cordial bond, as she must have gone through a lot of hardships during that time.
In addition, Arbaaz Khan revealed that Salma Khan and Helen share a really sweet bond today. If the Heroine star does not attend family get-togethers or lunches, it is his mother who immediately calls her and asks about it.
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