Varun Dhawan, who stepped into Bollywood alongside Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra with Student of the Year in 2012, has come a long way. In the decade past, the actor has featured in a good number of mainstream masala flicks as well as some unconventional projects – the most recent being Bhediya. Released on November 25, the film managed to have some footfall in theatres raking in around 64.10 cr at the box office.
But is Varun happy with the numbers? Well, seems he expected the Amar Kaushik-directed comedy-horror film – also starring Kriti Sanon, Deepak Dobriyal, Abhishek Banerjee and more, to do much better. Read on to know what he has to say about the film’s failure/performance as well as what goes through his mind when he had to lower his fees for roles.
In a recent conversation shared by Mid-Day, Varun Dhawan stated that he is happy people headed to theatres to watch Bhediya given that in 2022 the majority of Hindi films struggled to have respectable numbers. However, he added, “It has been such a strange year, [with films] trying to get people back to theatres. I expected Bhediya to do [better box-office] numbers than it did. Having said that, I am grateful that people have seen the film in cinemas, and its [collection] is higher than that of many. It tells you that you should try and do better.”
In the same conversation, Varun Dhawan also opened up about doing unconventional stories alongside mainstream masala movies. While talking about doing films like Badlapur (2015) and October (2018) and ensuring that they are commercially viable, the SOTY actor said, “Honestly, when I have to cut down my price to do these films, I will do it because a film calls out to [the artiste] in you. Similarly, when I have to do a Bhediya, or movies that have a larger vision, I’ll make it in a certain way.”
Varun Dhawan continued, “My approach is simple – we should make a good film, and the producer should not lose money. Box office is important, but sometimes, I want to do movies because they are unmissable for the actor in me.”
Have you caught Bhediya in theatres already? If not, the film’s still running in select cinemas.
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