Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha have been painting the town red with their mushy posts and videos since they got engaged on May 13. The couple is surely not over their dreamy engagement ceremony, and neither are their fans. Since May 13, the couple’s family members have been sharing glimpses of the ceremony on their social media handles, and a now-deleted video caught our attention. In the clip, the AAP representative revealed he went under the knife before the ceremony.
Parineeti and Raghav were friends long before they fell or each other. The magic finally happened in 2022 when Raghav visited Parineeti’s film set in Punjab.
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha made several public appearances before exchanging rings and officially announcing their romance. Since then, the two, their families and friends have shared many clips from the ceremony. The duo’s photographer also posted a video in which Raghav Chadha revealed he got a nose job before putting a ring on Parineeti’s finger. However, the video was soon removed from its source, leaving many wondering if the politician was speaking the truth or just kidding.
As per ETimes, Raghav could be heard saying, “The aunty is asking if the boy’s exterior changes. I got a little nose job done, aunty. Because my nose went on my mother… so I, of course, had to correct it and make it look like my father.” Soon Parineeti Chopra intervened to stop him and made him aware that he was being recorded.
While the clip is not on the photographer’s website now, it is hard to say if Raghav Chadha was being sarcastic or if it was his confession. Let us know your views on the same in the space below.
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