Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli had welcomed baby Vamika back in 2021 and looks like the little one is going to soon be an elder sister. If reports are to be believed, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are expecting their second child soon. While we await an official confirmation from the celebrity couple, a recent report states that Virat had to fly back to Mumbai from Guwahati after a ‘personal emergency’.
For the uninitiated, Team India arrived on Sunday at the Trivandrum Domestic Airport for its ODI World Cup warm-up against Netherlands. However, Virat Kohli was absent from the squad. According to reports, the ace cricketer left for Mumbai from Guwahati and is expected to join the squad back on Monday.
This news comes in days after reports that Anushka Sharma is pregnant for the second time went viral. A source informed Hindustan Times that Anushka is expecting her second baby with Virat. “Anushka is expecting her second baby. Like the last time, they will formally share the news with the world at a later stage,” the source was quoted saying.
Anushka Sharma has been away from the public eye for a while. On the same lines, the source added, “This isn’t a coincidence. She is staying away from the public eye to avoid speculation.” Another source said, “They requested the paparazzi to not publish their pictures, with a promise to make an announcement soon.”
Virat Kohli reportedly took permission from the management before he rushed to Mumbai. Did he leave due to Anushka Sharma’s pregnancy? We will have to wait for an official confirmation to know more!
Meanwhile, baby Vamika celebrates her birthday on January 11. Anushka and Virat keep Vamika away from the public eye and social media. The little one turned 3 years old and we bet she is excited for a new journey as an elder sister!
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