The animal lover vigilante film ‘Lakadbaggha’, which was recently screened at the 28th edition of the Kolkata International Film Festival, has set its release date on January 13, 2023. The film stars Anshuman Jha, Ridhi Dogra and Milind Soman.
For Anshuman, the film is a love letter to dogs and animals at large.
The film ‘Lakadbaggha’, which is inspired by real events in Kolkata and presents the story of the illegal animal trade, will be released worldwide in theatres. The makers also shared the main poster which maintains its teaser poster tagline: “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” by Mark Twain.
Commenting on the occasion, actor Anshuman Jha said: “‘Lakadbaggha’ is my love letter to dogs (and animals at large) and I can’t wait for the world to meet Arjun’s character on January 13. He is ordinary and that’s his super power. This is a universal film with an Indian soul set in Kolkata and the action is nothing like anything you have seen before.
The action-thriller film has been shot by French DOP Jean-Marc-Selva (AFC) while Kecha Khamphakdee (the stunt team behind ‘Ong-Bak’) has designed the action-making it an international spectacle with an Indian heart – a story about Indian breeds in Kolkata and a Lakadbaggha (Hyena) in the middle of it.
Actress Ridhi Dogra added: “‘Lakadbaggha’ is truly a special film – it has action and thrill but also a soul. Akshara, my character is the grey between the worlds of the protagonist and the antagonist. It is obviously special for me as it’s my big-screen debut. And I can’t wait for the world to watch it in January 2023.”
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