Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor recently remembered his late father, film producer-director Surinder Kapoor. The ‘Dil Dhadakane Do’ actor took to his social media on Surinder’s birth anniversary and shared two throwback pictures of his “dearest father”.
In one of the pictures, Surinder Kapoor is seen interacting with megastar Dilip Kumar during an event.
Anil Kapoor also put a sweet caption for the post, which is being admired by everyone. Anil noted in the caption that the warm look carried by late Dilip Kumar in his eyes for Surinder Kapoor proves how much the latter was loved and respected as a human being in the film industry.
“When the great Dilip Kumar looks with so much warmth and love in his eyes for my father who was just an assistant in Mughal e Azam shows how much my dad was loved and respected as a human being,” Anil Kapoor captioned the pictures.
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“Till today, everyone from the immediate family and all his colleagues and members of the film fraternity misses him and always have good things to talk about him which pumps my heart with pride… happy birthday papa… love you,” the caption further read.
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