It has been almost two years since Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor began dating, and reports state that the two has been spending quality time during the lockdown in his bachelor pad. Now it seems the actress has bought a new flat near his apartment.
The Brahmastra actress already owns two houses, one in Juhu and another one in Covent Garden in London. She shares her Juhu home with her sister Shaheen Bhatt.
According to a report by Pinkvilla, Alia Bhatt’s new 2,460 sq ft apartment is in the same apartment complex where her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor has his bachelor pad. While Kapoor stays on the seventh floor Alia has bought her flat on the fifth floor of the same Vaastu Pali Hill complex for a whopping Rs 32 crores. Interesting the apartment is close to Kapoor family’s Krishna Raj bungalow.
The report further stated that Raazi actress has also asked Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan to change the interiors of her new abode to get more ‘homely’ feel. Alia has also recently performed Hawan on Laxmi Pujan day in the presence of family, Ranbir Kapoor & few close friends like Karan Johar & Ayan Mukerji.
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt celebrated her sister Shaheen Bhatt’s birthday yesterday. The Highway actress also penned a heartfelt note for the birthday girl and wrote, “Since we were little you were always my angel you literally gave me wings dancing around with ME on beds and things I love that we’ve got our own language one that’s full of fruits and veggies Ahh.. life without you is just so basic also who would look after my arms and leggies? I know we’re technically sisters, But I believe you’re my soul mate too you make every living moment better I truly don’t know what id do without you!! you’re my everything sunshine & when the weather is bad my umbrella too.. happy birthday to ME As today is the day I to celebrate you P.S – on your birthday I tried very hard to impress you.. but I’m no writer.. just your little sister who loves you.”