Akshay Kumar is one actor who doesn’t even take time to process the results of his film and move on to the next project already. He believes in working hard and leaving the rest to his audiences. He was last seen in Cuttputlli and Raksha Bandhan and did a phenomenal job in terms of his performances in both the films. In fact, RB is now releasing on Zee5 and on the same occasion, we got into a conversation with the actor and he shared some interesting details about it. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Directed by Aanand L. Rai, Raksha Bandhan starrer Akshay in the lead role where he played the role of devoted brother with Bhumi Pednekar playing his love interest in the film. Here’s what the actor has to say about the film:
What were the kindest compliments received for Raksha Bandhan? Do you share one that really stayed with you?
The kindest compliment that I received was a unanimous thank you at a screening for making this film. Seeing their moist eyes after watching the film showed it had left an impact on them and that is one visual that has stayed with me.
During the shooting of the film, were there instances that reminded you of your relationship with your sister? What impact do you think sisters have on their brother’s life?
Like I said before, for me this is the best film of my career and one of the main reasons for it was because it reminded me of my life. Having been shot in the bylanes of Chandni Chowk, it was all very nostalgic and to add to it all the fun and emotional moments with my onscreen sisters reminded me of my childhood and growing up days.
As far as I can remember, my sister was my first friend, my confidante and it is a bonding like no other.
The movie is set to premiere on Dussehra, and the clear messaging for it is ‘Good over evil’ and it also syncs in with the movie narrative – what is that one message you would like to give viewers on this day?
Empower women, education is the biggest gift you can give your sister.
Are you guys watching Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan on OTT tomorrow? Tell us in the comments below.
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