Akshay Kumar has been making headlines ever since he announced his withdrawal from the hit franchise Hera Pheri’s 3rd installment. Soon after the reports of Kartik Aaryan replacing the actor made headlines, Kumar cited creative differences as the reason for his fallout with the makers. While a lot continues to be said and written about the whole fiasco, Akki recently crossed his path with a fan who was seen posing as his character ‘Raju’ from HP after meeting his favourite actor.
After Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and others Good Newwz actor is the latest Bollywood actor who recently landed in Jeddah to grace Red Sea International Film Festival 2022.
Just a while back, Akshay Kumar took to Instagram to share an interesting video from Jeddah where he’s seen greeting his fans while sitting inside the car. The hilarious clip opens with a diehard fan posing like ‘Raju’ from Hera Pheri soon after he sees him. He later is seen putting on sunglasses and striking the same pose. While we can clearly see him laughing his heart out at his fan’s actions, he’s later seen happily obliging for selfies with them.
Akshay Kumar captioned the video, “Haha…for the most lovable of reasons, my fans’ Hera Pheri simply rocks my life. Thank you, Red Sea International Film Festival and everyone in Jeddah for a memorable time. Love and prayers to you all.”
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Soon after the video surfaced on the web, netizens couldn’t help but request Akshay Kumar to return to the franchise. Commenting on the same, a user wrote, “Sir apne dekh hi liya hera pheri ka kitna fan following hai. Ab please hera pheri 3 kar lijiye.” Another wrote, “Hera Pheri 3 main aajao. agar fees ka matter hain toh hum sab milke karlenge aap haa toh karo yar.”
“#norajunoherapheri without akki Hera pheri mai woh maja nahi hai,” “Akshay sir herapheri 3 kar lo kuch movie paisee ke liye nhii ki jaati kuch movie darshko ke liye bhi ki jaati hain herapheri aapke bina to bekarr lagegi but koi baat nhii hum dekh lenge usse jaisee bhul bhulaiya 2 dekhi jai shree ram Akshay sir,” read 3rd and 4th comment.
Coming back, do you think Akshay Kumar will listen to fans’ requests and return to Hera Pheri 3? Do let us know. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Koimoi!
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