The upcoming Hindi movie ‘Agni’ wrapped up its shoot on Friday. The film, based on the struggles and challenges faced by firefighters, stars ‘Mirzya’ fame Saiyami Kher, ‘Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story’ star Pratik Gandhi and ‘Mirzapur’ star Divyenndu.
‘Agni’, which began its shoot in August in Mumbai, has been directed by Rahul Dholakia, who earlier directed the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer 2017 film ‘Raees’.
Saiyami Kher took to her social media and shared pictures with her colleagues and director saying, “It’s a wrap on Agni. I never like the feeling of wrapping up a film. Especially when you work with a bunch of like minded people, who got on like a house on fire (sic)”.
Apart from ‘Agni’ Saiyami Kher will next be seen essaying the lead on Balki’s ‘Ghoomer’ with Abhishek Bachchan, Ashwini Iyer Tiwari’s maiden digital series ‘Faadu’, Anurag Kashyap’s next production with Gulshan Devaiah and Tahira Kashyap’s directorial debut ‘Sharmaji Ki Beti’.
It’s a wrap on AGNI! I never like the feeling of wrapping up a film. Especially when you work with a bunch of like minded people, who got on like a house on 🔥@rahuldholakia @pratikg80 @divyenndu @SaieTamhankar @excelmovies @FarOutAkhtar @ritesh_sid
— Saiyami Kher (@SaiyamiKher) October 6, 2022
Apart from the cast, the producer of the film, Farhan Akhtar also shared on his social media about the wrap-up while congratulating the team.
The film has been produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani co-owned Excel Entertainment, which has another big film ‘Jee Le Zaraa’ starring Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Katrina Kaif, waiting to go on floors.
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