Alia Bhatt is expecting her first child with actor and husband Ranbir Kapoor and the couple had their baby shower yesterday in the presence of their loved ones. The Raazi actress took to her Instagram and has shared pictures from the event looking beautiful as ever and we are daydreaming about how good they both look together. The couple is dressed in traditional clothes and they make us believe in ‘fairytale love’ a little more everyday and the little Kapoor/Bhatt would be really lucky to have them as parents. Scroll below to take a look at their pictures.
Alia and Ranbir were last seen in Brahmastra which took the box office by storm. As of now, the couple is fulfilling their pending work commitments and then will take rest and spend time with their newborn baby. Coming back to their baby shower pictures, they both look so adorable together that it’s difficult to take our eyes off them.
Alia Bhatt shared the pictures on her Instagram with a caption that read, “just … love 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛”. In the pictures, Alia can be seen wearing a yellow coloured suit that she accessorised with emerald and polki jewellery. Ranbir Kapoor on the other hand wore a peach coloured kurta set that came with white pants.
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were surrounded by family and close friends and looked graceful as ever in the pictures. Take a look at it below:
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We have run out of words how pretty these pictures are!
What are your thoughts on Alia and Ranbir’s official baby shower pictures? Tell us in the comments below.
Must Read: How Alia Bhatt Broke Stereotypes & Set All New Goals With Her Pregnancy!
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