In the upcoming episode of ‘Bigg Boss 16’, journalists will be seen entering the show and asking some power-packed questions to the contestants as per the new promo of the popular reality show. But in the midst of media interactions, Shalin Bhanot and MC Stan could be seen breaking out into an argument.
A massive fight between MC Stan and Shalin will be witnessed as Shalin would lose his cool with Stan and Shiv in the fake personality task.
A promo showed a journalist asking a nail-biting question to Shalin Bhanot about what was his masterstroke in the house, his bond or his breakup with Tina Datta. While he speaks MC Stan’s actions distract him.
While Shalin begins to answer the question, MC Stan makes hand gestures which bug him, and he says: “Jab aap bol rahe the tab maine kuch kiya?” It does not gets resolved but continues even after that as per the promo.
After the press personnel leave, Shalin and Stan are seen getting into a spat, and Stan confronts Shalin for yelling at him.
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The two end up in a major fight, and Shiv Thakare tries to stop them from getting physical. Stan then targeted Shalin and said: “Victim card mat khelo. Har baat ko galat portray mat karo.”
For more updates on Bigg Boss 16, stay tuned to Koimoi.
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