Salman Khan hosted Bigg Boss 16 premiered earlier this month with much fanfare. However, the show invited controversies from its first day itself when the makers introduced Bollywood director Sajid Khan as a contestant. Several celebrities slammed the makers for bringing the filmmaker on the show, but it seems Rakhi Sawant has a different opinion.
The Housefull director was accused of sexual harassment by multiple women during the Me Too movement in India in 2018. Celebrities like Mandana Karimi, Sona Mahapatra, Urfi Javed, and Sherlyn Chopra called out Bigg Boss makers for roping him on the show.
Now during a conversation with paps, Rakhi Sawant has come out in his support of Sajid Khan. She said, “Frankly speaking, Sajid Bhai jo hai chaar saal saza bhugat chuka hai. Kyun pehle koi awaaz nhi uthaya. Bigg Boss 16 me gaya, ab woh highlight ho raha hai, isiliye log behte ganga me log haath dhona chahte hai.”
“Dekhiye woh gunhaar hai ya beguna hai, woh muje nhi pata hai. 4 saal usne kaam nhi kiya. Agar koi admi sazaa bhugat tha hai, woh kaidi ho jaatha hai, usse jail me daal diya jaatha hai. Jo sazaa bhugat ke bahar nikalta hai woh gunehaar nhi rehta hai. I don’t think so Sajid Khan gunehaar hai, 4 saal usne kaam nhi kiya, kisine uske saath film banayi. Muje aisa lagta hai, woh bigg boss me gaya hai, isiliye log haath dhoke piche pade hai, publicity stunt k liye. Aise logon ki chillu bhar paani me dhoob ke marjana chahiye. Shame on them,” she said.
Rakhi Sawant then gets emotional and said, “Sajid Khan mera koi nhi lagta. Lekin ek insaaniyat ke naathe, woh banda aathma hathiya karle usse pehle usse jee lene do yaar. Warna woh aathmahitya karlega agar desh taraf se itna nafrat milegi. Aaplog usko jeeno do. Woh nayi zindagi jeena chahra hai.”
Former Bigg Boss contestant Rakhi then continued that if she gets an opportunity to enter the show, she would ask him for the truth since the allegations against him haven’t been proven yet. Take a look at the video below:
Previously, a few celebrities such as Kashmera Shah and Payal Rohatgi have defended Sajid Khan.
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