Showtime’s Dexter is a critically acclaimed TV show that has garnered love worldwide. The show follows Dexter Morgan, a forensic blood spatter analyst working for the Miami Metro Police Department, who leads a double life as a vigilante serial killer. The series masterfully blends dark humor, suspense, and crime, with an incredible ensemble cast and gripping narrative that have made Dexter a cultural phenomenon.
Throughout its eight seasons, Dexter gained momentum in the middle of its run, creating some iconic television moments. However, new showrunners and attempts to inject shock value into the series led to a loss of direction. This decline culminated in a criticized finale, though some redemption came with the revival series, Dexter: New Blood. Here, we rank all the seasons of Dexter, showcasing the best and worst the show had to offer.
Dexter Season 8
The worst season of Dexter was its last, which was the opposite of what fans were expecting. Season 8 began after season 7 set the stage for a tense finale following LaGuerta’s death and the unraveling of Deb and Dexter’s relationship. However, the final season starts with a six-month time jump, sapping much of the tension from the show. In Season 8, Deb is an addict while Dexter’s life seems better. Instead of exploring their fractured relationship, which was central to the show, season 8 focused more on Dexter’s interactions with newly introduced characters.
Full Episode Fridays: Watch the Season 8 Premiere of #Dexter 'A Beautiful Day' 🍿
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) August 16, 2024
Dexter Season 6
Dexter season 6 is often regarded as the show’s worst season because it’s where the series lost its way and never fully recovered. Many fans believed that the biggest issue with the sixth season was that it often felt standalone. While the first five seasons had continuity, the sixth season lost the essence of the show in the process. The first half of season 6 is decent, with Dexter’s relationship with Brother Sam providing an emotional anchor following Lumen’s departure. However, Sam’s death midway through the season marked a crucial moment for Dexter, pushing him toward significant character development. Unfortunately, the twist involving the Doomsday Killers was highly predictable and overly drawn out, leaving the mystery feeling stale for the audience.
Full Episode Fridays: Watch the Season 6 Premiere of #Dexter 'Those Kinds of Things' 🍿
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) August 2, 2024
Dexter Season 5
After the departure of the original showrunners following season 4 and confirmation that the show would extend beyond season 6, season 5 of Dexter faced high expectations. However, it fell short and almost felt as though the show should have ended. The season was a mixed bag, with the Barrel Girl killers lacking memorability despite their brutal crimes, and Quinn’s investigation into Dexter, aided by crooked cop Liddy, providing promising but ultimately anticlimactic developments. The true highlight of this season was Dexter’s relationship with Lumen, which offered a sense of kinship and hope.
#Dexter Season 5 premiered 11 years ago today! (Sep. 26, 2010)
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) September 26, 2021
Dexter Season 3
Throughout Dexter, several characters learned about Dexter’s “dark passenger,” but it was Miguel Prado’s revelation that was most compelling. Being one of the most complex characters on the show, Miguel’s lies and truths are intricately intertwined. Despite Skinner being season 3’s main antagonist, Miguel shines through, especially in his unforgettable interactions with Dexter. Additionally, season 3 featured significant milestones for other characters, including Deb, who started to climb the professional ladder, and Dexter’s marriage to Rita. Despite this, the dynamic between Miguel and Dexter remains a standout.
#Dexter Season 3 was one of the most controversial seasons of the series.
Grade Dexter Season 3 As a Whole 🔪
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— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) August 21, 2021
Dexter Season 9: New Blood
Following the conclusion of the original Dexter, a new chapter returned with Dexter: New Blood, the ninth season. While Dexter’s reclusive ending was initially disappointing, his return and the realization that he couldn’t escape his past provided a fitting conclusion to his story. The highlight of this season was his reunion with his son, Harrison, who also witnessed his mother’s brutal murder. Although this season could have been more thrilling, the ending helped restore Dexter’s arc and the show’s legacy.
BOOM! #Dexter Season 9 Will Officially Be Called… 'Dexter: New Blood'! 💥💥💥
New post: #DexterReturns
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) July 25, 2021
Dexter Season 7
After season 6 disappointed Dexter fans, the show made a strong comeback with season 7, regaining its focus. This season delivered an emotional, gripping, and complex narrative, featuring Isaak Sirko as one of the show’s most formidable villains. Additionally, the engaging dynamic between Deb and Dexter is a highlight, as she uncovers the truth about her brother. Meanwhile, LaGuerta’s investigation into Dexter unfolds in the background, adding to the show’s intensity. The season concludes with Deb killing LaGuerta, sacrificing her beliefs to protect her brother.
Full Episode Fridays: Watch the Season 7 Premiere of #Dexter 'Are You…?' 🍿
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) August 9, 2024
Dexter Season 2
After its premiere, Dexter season 2 featured some of the show’s finest writing and bold storytelling. This season is a highlight for its deep connections to season 1, as Dexter faces the repercussions of his actions from the first season, dealing with the Bay Harbor Butcher investigation, James Doakes’ suspicions, and Lila’s unexpected affection. Season 2 of Dexter is one of the most intense due to its intricate plotlines.
Full Episode Fridays: Watch the #Dexter Season 2 Premiere 'It’s Alive!' For Free 🍿
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) July 5, 2024
Dexter Season 1
Dexter Season 1 remains one of the best-written seasons in television history. Despite some early growing pains, awkward pacing, and supporting characters still finding their footing, season 1 is gripping enough with Dexter’s day-to-day serial killings. Moreover, the addition of the Ice Truck Killer adds intensity to the plot, creating compelling connections between Dexter’s personal life and the unfolding investigation.
The Title of Episode 2 of Dexter: Original Season 1 Has Been Revealed! 🍬 #Dexter
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) July 19, 2024
Dexter Season 4
Season 4 of Dexter is considered a masterpiece, showcasing excellence in writing, acting, and directing. The season opens with Dexter struggling to balance his life, but his encounter with the Trinity Killer makes him believe he can have it all. His illusion shatters when he takes advice from a true monster, resulting in devastating consequences. Moreover, the season’s finale is powerful and soul-crushing, with John Lithgow’s performance making him the strongest villain of the show.
#Dexter Season 4 debuted 12 years ago today! (Sept. 27, 2009) 🔨🛁🩸
— Dexter Daily (@DexterDaily) September 27, 2021
Must Read: Dexter: Michael C Hall’s Show Had An Alternate Ending & You”ll Be Angry Makers Didn’t Go With This!
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