Kids dance reality television series Super Dancer is one of the most loved shows and was first aired in 2016. The show aimed to find a kid prodigy who has the potential to be the future in the field of dance. The judges were totally impressed by the kids’ amazing and breath-taking performances. Kapil Sharma too had once made an appearance on one of the special episodes.
The participants on the show showcased some of their amazing dancing skills. The show also provided an ideal opportunity for every kid to hone their talent, as they were mentored by three renowned judges Geeta Kapur, Shilpa Shetty, and Anurag Basu. The kids who were barely 4 to 5 years of age had impressed the judges immensely, and the show ran for three seasons.
However, one of the throwback videos from the show is now doing rounds on the internet. Interestingly, Kapil Sharma was seen in the video, wherein he was challenged by one of the contestants of the show to do a small dance routine.
As seen in the video, one contestant asked the ace comedian to replicate a dance move, named ‘Bajrangi Bounce’. Visibly, Kapil was shocked to see the step performed by the kid. Nevertheless, he accepted the challenge sportingly, and even completed it. Before taking up the challenge, Kapil even joked that while the contestant had some safety measures in place, he had nothing.
Kapil Sharma is well known for his witty nature and knows how to entertain his fans. His joke didn’t disappoint, and sure gathered some laughs from the audience as wells from the contestants.
The video is going viral now and it will surely leave you in splits! Watch the video here:
Although the Super Dancer reality television series was not renewed after season 3, similar videos often go viral on the internet, reminding the sheer talent the kids had. The dancers performed solo on Saturdays and with their choreographers on Sundays. Every week, their performances were put to vote on the website or the SonyLiv App, and based on the number of votes, one kid was eliminated every week.
What do you think about this viral video? Let us know in the comments.
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