Internet sensation Uorfi Javed faces a lot of criticism, trolling and backlash from netizens, yet she backs down from talking about those issues online. Recently, the actress had been in the news as police allegedly disrupted her shoot in Dubai, but there were rumours going around that it was because of her revealing clothes. She even shared a video where she is seemingly behind the bars and is saying that many people wish to see her like this. As soon as this clip came out, netizens started commenting, and in that, a comment by the Indian hockey player Yuvraj Walmiki took it in an all-new direction.
After Walmiki’s comment, Uorfi did not hold back from replying to that comment. She even posted the screenshot of their conversation in the comment section; on her Instagram story with the caption, “hockey pe Dhyan de na!” And now Walmiki came out to clarify the entire fiasco.
As per a report by the Free Press Journal, Yuvraj gave an explanation behind his comment, saying, “Urfi has lost her mind. I’ve never said this, but she’s actually a disgrace.” Uorfi Javed even accused the player of sliding into her DMs and in reference to that, Yuvraj said, “Yesterday, it was all over the news that Uorfi was detained in Dubai. That is why she just wrote ‘Thank you Dubai and please keep her forever. I did not comment about her clothes or character. I never said she deserves to be in jail or whatever. She knows she will get publicity if she reacts to my comment because I have a blue tick on Instagram.”
Walmiki also clarified that he never sent any messages to Uorfi Javed, saying, “Not even once I have messaged Uorfi. Agar aisa hota toh vo pehle screenshots daalti mere messages ke. I have so many good friends in Bollywood who asked me not to reply to their messages. I want her to show me the messages where I have commented on her clothes. I don’t have the time to justify all this, and I don’t even want to prove myself to anybody.”
He even went on to challenge the actress to show his messages of him and said, “Let her show if I have ever messaged underaged or minor girls. If you go through my Instagram, I’ve done so much for women. I respect women. She texted me ‘kitni ladkiyon ko hi hello likh ke bheja hai’. Tell me, what is the problem in that? It’s none of her business”.
Check out the conversation in the comment section between Uorfi Javed and Yuvraj Walmiki here:
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