Recently, there were reports of Uorfi Javed being detained in Dubai due to her revealing clothes. However, the actress later clarified that the reports were false. She said the police had arrived to stop the shoot because of some issues at the location and it was nothing related to her clothes.”
Even after the internet sensation shared the reason, netizens wanted to believe that Uorfi needed to be detained.
Just a few days before, Uorfi Javed reported that she has been receiving serious death and r*pe threats from her previous broker. She even went on to file a complaint from UAE with Goregaon police and just a day ago the culprit was caught. However, the netizens were only interested in detention news and nothing else and this irked Uorfi.
Uorfi Javed took to her Instagram and shared a video saying, “There are two stories going simultaneously, one was that I have been jailed in Dubai and the other was the man who was sending r*pe and death threats to me has been caught. But people are more interested in seeing me in jail instead. I read tweets where people wrote, ‘Keep her in jail, don’t send her back and so on. Do you see the hypocrisy? People have no problem with the man sending r*pe threats but with me who wears what she likes.”
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