The upcoming episode of Neela Film Productions Private Limited’s Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (TMKOC) will be a rollicking fun for viewers. The year is about to come to an end and like each year, Gokuldhaam Society is planning for New Year’s Eve celebrations. But, before it is assumed that the Society will host the celebrations this year, Bhide wants to make sure that everyone is on board. He himself has reservations of hosting the celebrations because of COVID-19 but being a righteous person, he feels that everyone should speak for themselves before arriving at a decision about hosting or not, the New Year’s party. So, he calls everyone at the Club House and takes a vote.
Bhide asks everyone seated in front of him to divide themselves into two groups. The group to his left is the one who is in favour of hosting New Year’s celebrations and to the right, is the one who is not in agreement. A quick count in the latest episode of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah indicates that more people are against hosting the celebrations and Bhide announces that no party will be hosted for the occasion this year. Jethaalal, who is on the group to the right and against hosting the celebrations, notices that Babeetta is on the group that wants the celebrations in Gokuldhaam Society. Realising this, he quietly sneaks into the other group and by the time Bhide is finished announcing, Jethaalal has switched sides making the count equal on either side.
This is where the Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah fun begins. With Jethaalal’s slick move, now the residents of Gokuldhaam Society are split equally among those favouring New Year celebrations and those not in favour of it. How will the balance shift? Will someone else switch side too? Just to arrive at a decision? But this seems very unlikely.
After all, this is Gokuldhaam Society where situations like these do not resolve so easily or quickly. Of course, there’s a lot of negotiation and attempts are being made by each group to convince one person from the other to switch sides. And all this means, loads of fun and lots of laughter for viewers. To not miss on any of it, watch the upcoming episodes of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.
Please find the below video link from the upcoming episode of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah:
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