Since Tejasswi Prakash was declared the winner of Bigg Boss 15, the actress has been getting mostly negative views about her victory. Many called her undeserving, as many hoped that Shamita Shetty, Pratik Sehajpal or Karan Kundrra will lift the trophy. Now the Black Widows actress reacted to a tweet that claimed that Teja won the show because she was roped in for Naagin 6.
The former Khatron Ke Khiladi contestants win has divided netizens as many were left disappointed seeing her win the Salman Khan-led show. Meanwhile, Nishant Bhat took home the briefcase of Rs 10 Lakh from the winners’ prize while Rashami Desai stood 6th. On the other hand, the winner walked away with 40 Lakhs.
Netizens took to their social media accounts after Shamita Shetty was evicted in the fourth position. Now, the actress reacted to a particular tweet about Tejasswi Prakash winning Bigg Boss 15.
The tweet reads, “Why do I get the feeling that Shamita Shetty was not chosen a winner in Bigg Boss because she is Shilpa Shetty’s sister. Tejasswi won the title because she is Colors TV’s new serial’s new #Naagin. In my opinion actors of the channel should be disqualified.”
Reacting to the claim, Shetty wrote, “What can I say… except… Thank you for your love and your honest opinion. Love you.”
What can I say … except .. Thankyou @bhawanasomaaya for ur love n ur honest opinion 🙏🏻❤️🧿 love u
— Shamita Shetty (@ShamitaShetty) January 31, 2022
Shamita Shetty and Tejasswi Prakash were often seen at each others loggerhead due to various reasons. Even during the Bigg Boss 15 finale, they fought in front of Salman Khan.
Meanwhile, post winning the show, Tejasswi said, “When I entered the Bigg Boss house, everything seemed like a dream in the beginning. But as I started to settle in and understand the game, I was completely immersed in it and today when I look back, what an incredible journey it has been. It feels surreal to have finally won the trophy, but the real prize that I am taking home are the learnings and experiences.”