Recently, Shah Rukh Khan attended legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar’s funeral and his videos of the same are going crazy viral on the internet. He attended the singer’s last rites with his manager Pooja Dadlani and performed a ‘dua’ gesture while doing so and later got trolled badly after blowing the air post saying a prayer. Now, Rakhi Sawant has come out in support of SRK and applauded him for his gesture while calling him a ‘legend’. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Lata Ji’s funeral was held on Sunday and many popular personalities including PM Narendra Modi, Uddhav Thackeray, Aamir Khan and Sachin Tendulkar attended the final rites of the singer paying their final tributes to her. SRK also performed ‘dua’ while praying and got mixed reactions from netizens for the same.
Shah Rukh Khan raised his hands while performing dua and blew air over Lata Mangeshkar’s body while saying a prayer. His gestures got mixed reactions on social media and the latest addition to this is Rakhi Sawant who applauded him for praying and called him a legend during a recent media interaction.
Rakhi Sawant said, “Jo aap log kar rahe hain, thodi si sharam aani chaiye. Woh wahan pe jaake, dua padke, phookte hain. Toh aap log jo kar rahe ho, ye galat baat hai. Koi thooka vooka nahi hai unhone. (What you guys are doing, you should be ashamed. He (Shah RUkh Khan) went there to say a prayer and blow it. What you are doing is so wrong. He did not spit).”
The actress continued and said, “Woh ek hasti hain, ek legend hai. Namaaz padne ke baad phooka jaata hai jiska matlab hai dua kabool hui. Toh unko jannat mein jagah milti hai. Toh ye sab galat mat phailao. Sharam karo. Bahut galat baat hai. Jiyo aur jeene do. Bade bade celebrities funeral pe gae hain toh thoda sa sharam karo bhai (He is a celebrity, a legend. One blows air after reading namaz. It means that the prayer has been accepted and you will find a place in heaven. Don’t spread lies and have some shame. It’s so wrong. Live and let live. So many celebrities went to the funeral. Have some shame).”
Take a look at the video below:
Fans also praised Rakhi Sawant for coming in support of Shah Rukh Khan. What are your thoughts on the same? Tell us in the space below.
Video credits: Viral Bhayani