Actor Dheeraj Dhoopar shares about his new look for the Lohri party sequence in the show Kundali Bhagya. The actor got a chance to experiment with his look and he took up a turban-clad, Sardar avatar for the special episode.
During the two-year leap in the show, viewers saw Karan (Dheeraj Dhoopar) and Preeta (Shraddha Arya) getting separated. Later, Prithvi (Sanjay Gagnani) has taken control of the Luthra Mansion and Preeta has returned to save the family. Now, in the latest track of Kundali Bhagya there will be a party and Lohri celebrations.
Talking about his look Dheeraj Dhoopar said: “Different roles demand different kinds of preparations; and I attempt to do it quite earnestly. For an actor, it’s more of a physical preparation when it comes to a sequence like Lohri. I mean, culturally you know I belong to Delhi and a Punjabi family. Lohri is a very prominent festival in northern India. I have many good childhood memories associated with the festival. I always cherish meeting all the family members and dressing up in colourful traditional attire; dance and sing around the bonfire.”
Dheeraj Dhoopar further added: “I have experimented with multiple looks with a countless number of costumes and dressing up as a Sardar feels special. There’s always a plan of action as an actor and it’s my job to give my 101 per cent to every character, be it any look. I am always excited for new challenges and this fresh avatar was a welcome change. The fun part of acting is you get to play a completely different person each time.”
Kundali Bhagya airs on Zee TV.