Actor Sourabh Raaj Jain, who was recently seen in ‘Khatron ke Khiladi 11‘, is back on screen, but this time in a new avatar. The actor is seen in his first music video, which happens to be a Ganpati song, along with child artiste Pranjali.
Speaking about the video, Sourabh says, “When I heard the song for the first time, I could feel that it is going to keep coming back every Ganpati season. I have always believed that entertaining your audience is one thing, but entertaining across time is a cherry on top.”
KKK 11 fame Sourabh Raaj Jain has tried his hands in everything from youth shows to historical as well as web and reality shows, but this is the first time that he has appeared in a music video.
Sourabh Raaj Jain continued and added, “I always see the work and how it challenges me. I am glad that I have got the opportunity to be a part of a different medium and the interesting thing about music videos is that they are short projects, which allow experiment with various characters in a short span of time.”
The actor also opened up about connecting with people on social media.
“Honestly, jumping on to the social media bandwagon wasn’t a natural process for me. It took me time and it still takes a lot of effort, but if it helps you connect to people, then that be it. I’m grateful for that connection,” Sourabh Raaj Jain says.