Over the last two years, Disney+ Hotstar has been home to Bollywood as series and films of stars like Saif Ali Khan, Sushmita Sen, Arjun Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, and Rajkummar Rao made their way to the platform. Adding to this list is one of the country’s biggest stars – Ajay Devgn, with his crime thriller, Rudra – The Edge of Darkness. Making his digital series debut, Ajay Devgn will don a new avatar of a fierce cop, taking viewers on a journey into the dark oceanic depths of criminal minds.
Spanning over six episodes, this gripping series is an Indian rendition of the iconic and globally successful British series, Luther. As Rudra – The Edge of Darkness releases in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam and Bengali; let’s take a look at shows and films featuring other Bollywood stars present only on Disney+ Hotstar:
Check out some of the Bollywood to OTT debut here:
Sushmita Sen as Aarya Sareen, in Aarya
Aarya is forced to return to India and face her family and enemies. With multiple attacks jolting her, can she and her children escape the threats of the past?
Alia Bhatt as Aarya Desai, in Sadak 2
Ravi, a suicidal taxi driver, plans to shut shop when a young girl, Aarya, compels him to take her on a life-altering journey to Kailash.
Abhishek Bachchan as Hemant Shah, in The Big Bull
During the late ‘80s, Hemant Shah, the man with the Midas touch, pulled off the biggest hustle that shook India’s financial fabric. Inspired by true events.
Saif Ali Khan as Vibhooti, in Bhoot Police
Two brothers Vibhooti and Chiraunji have ‘fought’ their share of ghosts. However, a new case forces them to rethink their abilities and beliefs.
Tune into Disney+ Hotstar to watch your favourite star cast in diverse roles.