Last week in Bigg Boss OTT’s Sunday Ka Vaar, Karan Johar announced a major twist where he evicted two contestants. Along with Punjabi singer Millind Gaba, Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh was eliminated as they both received lowest votes from audience members. After coming out of the house, Akshara has now made some shocking claims about her past relationship and stated her ex-boyfriend hired boys to throw acid on her after their break-up.
Before her unexpected eviction Karan Johar had bashed the Bhojpuri actress for using foul language against singer Neha Bhasin, however, fans called out makers and Karan for evicting their strongest contestants.
Recently, in an interview with Times of India, Akshara Singh opened up about her troubled relationship and battling depression, she said, “I was getting so many threats that he would kill me or destroy my career but after my father’s conversation with me I gained so much strength that I stopped caring about anything. I did not even fear for my life. I had faced so many things by then ki maut ka khauff he khatam hogaya tha. I felt kya karoge maroge he na… chalo maar lo. My ex sent a few boys with acid bottles in their hand and also tried to destroy my career. I was chased by a few boys with acid bottles in their hands. They were running behind me. People who do drugs on the streets, they were sent after me. I just pray to God that no female has to go through what I’ve suffered in my life.”
Further speaking about going into depression and how she fought with it, the actress added, “When things got out of hand and situation got really ugly and I was into depression. A really bad one and I can’t express it. My father told me that being a father I am telling you this that if you plan to live the rest of your life like this, then please go and end your life and if you don’t want to do this then come out of it right away. Just fight back, I am with you. This statement of his made me so strong that I never looked back.”
Meanwhile, Akshara Singh who entered Bigg Boss OTT with Pratik Sehajpal as her connection, felt cheated when the model ‘flipped overnight for Neha Bhasin.’ After the incident, Akshara teamed up with Millind Gaba and her game plan changed which was loved by her followers.
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