Back when Rajinikanth was paired opposite Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for the first time in Robot, many did have second thoughts. Not that the Thalaiva did not understand that. Once in the press conference for the film, the megastar did address this fact back in time and even shared a hilarious incident where a fan couldn’t believe he was going to romance Aishwarya, who has been the epitome of beauty for as long as we know.
It was at the Robot press conference where Rajinikanth was present with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan. Thalaiva in his sarcastic and humorous way addressed the conference and was candid enough to narrate a hilarious incident. Before that, he thanked Aish for coming on board and starring opposite him in the film. Below is the incident Thalaiva narrated. Read on to know.
As per a Brut video, Rajinikanth spoke about an incident when he went to Rajasthan to meet his brother. A tenant in his sixties came to meet him there. Thalaiva said, “I am not exaggerating. I had gone to visit my brother in Bangalore. Nearby, a Rajasthani tenant had come. He came to see me when he got to know I was there. He was 60 plus. He greeted and asked, ‘What happened to your hair?’, I said, ‘Arey, jhad gaye yaar chodo (My hair has fallen off).’ He asked if I have retired. So, told him that I am working on a film called Robot. Later, I told him Aishwarya Rai was the heroine,” the actor recalled.
Rajinikanth further added that the man was too excited to hear that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is the lead in the film. But to our shock, he next asked, “He said ‘Aishwarya heroine? Kamaal ki ladki hai yaar, fantastic. Hero kaun?” The entire audience in the halls was left laughing at this point.
It doesn’t end there. Rajinikanth did tell him that he is the hero in the film, and the man couldn’t believe that. “For 10 minutes, he didn’t say anything but kept staring at me. After he left, I heard him saying, ‘Kya hogaya Aishwarya Rai ji ko? Abhishek Bachchan ko kya hogaya? Amitabh Bachchan ji ko kya hogaya? Heroine? Iske saath?’ So, thank you Aishwarya ji,” Rajinikanth concluded.
However, the pairing has done wonders for the film that is one of the most successful pan-India projects of our times.
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