Film fans can now watch the latest Malayalam hit movie Kala, starring popular actor from the south industry in the lead – Tovino Thomas on Amazon Prime Video. Directed by Rohith VS, Kala is a psychological thriller that revolves around the main character Shaji who faces an intriguing conflict with the many layered shades of human behaviour. Written by Rohith VS and Yadhu Pushpakaran, the movie portrays Tovino Thomas as Shaji in a ripped and rough avatar. Starting May 20th, the blockbuster title is available for streaming with Malayalam audio with English subtitles on Amazon Prime Video and will be available to with Tamil and Telugu audio soon.
Commenting on the release of his film on Amazon Prime Video, lead actor Tovino Thomas said “Movies like ‘Kala’ belong to the league of the movies that inspire an actor to constantly work on themselves and upgrade their level of performance by giving it their very best. The movie is a psychological thriller and my character Shaji is one who is consistently struggling with himself and is a very rough kind of a person. His story is one which I feel should be heard by many and I am glad that Amazon Prime Video has shown its belief in the story and is putting it out to a wider audience”.
Commenting on his movie streaming on Amazon Prime Video, director Rohith VS said “Far from a regular story, Kala is an intense movie revolving around a very intense character. It is a film which will force you to be on your seats right till the very end and leave you with ample food for thought once it ends. It is a matter of pride for me that the movie is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video and enabling us to take our stories across many regions.”
Currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video in Malayalam with English subtitles since 20th May, Kala will also be available with Tamil and Telugu audio soon.
‘Kala’ is the story of Shaji who faces an intriguing conflict with the many layered shades of human behaviour. The protagonist (Tovino Thomas) leads a simple family life. A sudden turn of events brings out the flip side of him. The narration moves from human nature to animal love to brutality towards animals and humans equally. It challenges the viewer to think and reflect on what is good and what is evil.
Watch the trailer here: