Thalapthy 65 starring Vijay and Pooja Hegde has been making noise for quite some time now. From the stellar cast to the production unit, fans have been eagerly waiting for the film. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, it is one of the most anticipated films in the South right now. But do y’all know that the lead actress Pooja is charging a bomb for the film? Read to know the scoop below.
Reportedly, Thalapthy plays the character of a con agent in the film and the major portion of the film is set in Russia.
According to Pinkvilla, the crew has flown down to Russia a day ago and has been shooting non-stop for 10 days before calling it a schedule wrap. Pooja Hegde will soon be joining the Thalapathy 65 gang in Russia as she wraps up Cirkus opposite Ranveer Singh and will fly there by the end of April.
A source close to publication revealed that the lead actress is paid a whopping amount for Thalapthy 65 and said, “Pooja Hegde, who plays the female lead in the film, has been paid Rs 3 crore for the film. It’s the highest that she has got upfront to date, and the key reason for the hike in fees is because of her increasing popularity across the nation. She is flooded with offers from all industries; however, she couldn’t miss out on the opportunity of working with Vijay and came on board the film instantly. She cleared her date diaries and went out of the way to come on board, Thalapathy 65.”
Those are some huge numbers, isn’t it? But Pooja totally deserves it keeping in mind her popularity in the country.
The Thalapathy 65 actress enjoys a massive fan following on social media with over 12 million followers on Instagram.
What are your thoughts on Pooja Hegde getting a whopping amount opposite Thalapathy Vijay? Are y’all excited to see them on the silver screen soon? Tell us in the comments below.