Tollywood is about to witness another young hero tying the knot. Kiran Abbavaram will be getting married in just a few days. The young actor, who made his debut with the film Raja Vaaru Rani Varu, is set to marry his long-time love, Rahasya Gorak, who also made her debut in the same film. The two fell in love while working together and soon earned the title of a “hit pair.”
Kiran Abbavaram and Rahasya Gorak have been in a relationship for nearly five years, got engaged some time ago, and are now ready to take their relationship to the next level. Their engagement ceremony made headlines in the media at the time. The wedding is scheduled to take place on August 22 in Coorg, Karnataka, with close family members and friends in attendance.
The ceremony is expected to be a private affair, and it remains to be seen whether any personalities from the film industry will attend. The couple might send invitations to their colleagues in the industry.
The on-screen friendship between Kiran and Rahasya blossomed into a real-life romance, which they kept under wraps until recently. Now, as they prepare to get married, the couple is receiving warm wishes from fans and the film fraternity alike.
On the work front, Kiran Abbavaram, who initially worked as a software engineer, transitioned into acting through short films before venturing into mainstream cinema. Rahasya Gorak also started in Tamil cinema before moving into Telugu films. Currently, the couple is working together on the film Ka, which they are jointly producing. They have high expectations that this film will become a big blockbuster.
We extend our best wishes to the couple on their new journey.
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