The second instalment of Mani Ratnam’s historical drama franchise, Ponniyin Selvan 2, is set to be released in theatres on April 28, 2023. As the first movie was a major hit in most corners, there were some regions where the movie did not perform as per expectations. Despite having a huge star cast, the movie failed to make a good collection at the box office collections in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Adding to the story, a new report says that the highly anticipated PS 2 is having difficulty getting Telugu distributors. The first movie’s original Tamil version did a decent job in Tamil Nadu but could not perform well in the Hindi region or Telugu-speaking states. Read on to find out more about the sequel not getting any Telugu distributors.
According to a report by News 18, the first Ponniyin Selvan’s failure in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana was a disappointment. As the movie made over 400 crores at the worldwide box office, Mani Ratnam’s sequel struggling to get Telugu distributors comes as a shock. The report adds no Telegu distributors are ready to buy the rights of Ponniyin Selvan 2.
Additionally, the Telugu-speaking audience rejected Ponniyin Selvan: Part 1 on television as it received disastrous results when aired on the Telugu channel Gemini TV, adds the report. With a rating of 2.17*, the team took a step back for its television premiere. However, the makers of the second instalment are confident that Ponniyin Selvan 2 will be a game changer for moviegoers and leave a memorable remark on audiences across the globe.
Along with that, Lyca Productions has announced that the first single from Ponniyin Selvan 2, starring Trisha, will be released soon. While making the announcement on Twitter, a BTS member teased that the song is about Kundhavai and the process behind the character’s makeover.
Sharp tongue. Fierce mind.
Have you missed our eternal beauty?
Watch what went on BTS as @trishtrashers became #Kundavai!First Single Coming Soon!
Stay tuned 🥳#PS #PS1 #PS2 #PonniyinSelvan #ManiRatnam @arrahman @madrastalkies_ @LycaProductions @tipsofficial— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) March 9, 2023
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