South actor Vishal recently created a stir on social media after he posted a video of himself making an explosive revelation about The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) taking a bribe from the actor to give a certificate. The actor revealed that he had to bride the govt officials with Rs 3 Lakh for the screening and Rs 3.5 Lakh to get a certificate. Adding that such situations are seen on the silver screen, but he has now witnessed it in real life, too.
The actor posted a video on Twitter and captioned it, “#Corruption being shown on the silver screen is fine. But not in real life. Cant digest. Especially in govt offices. And even worse is happening in #CBFC Mumbai office. Had to pay 6.5 lacs for my film #MarkAntonyHindi version. 2 transactions. 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for certificate. Never faced this situation ever in my career. Had no option but to pay the concerned mediator #Menaga coz too much at stake since movie released today. Bringing this to the notice of Hon Chief Minister of Maharashtra and my Hon PM Narendra Modiji. Doing this is not for me but for future producers. NOT HAPPENING. My hard earned money gone for corruption ??? No way. Evidence down for all to hear. Hope truth prevails as always. GB.”
Soon after the video went viral, netizens slammed the board and sided with Vishal. Now to respond to the allegations, The Ministry Of Information & Broadcasting has called it ‘extremely unfortunate’ and said the government has ‘zero tolerance for corruption’. The Centre went on to promise that they will conduct inquiry today itself to figure out the same.
Taking to Twitter, Ministry Of Information & Broadcasting condemned the act and wrote, “The issue of corruption in CBFC brought forth by actor @VishalKOfficial is extremely unfortunate. The Government has zero tolerance for corruption and strictest action will be taken against anyone found involved. A senior officer from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has been deputed to Mumbai to conduct an inquiry today itself. We request everyone to cooperate with the Ministry, by providing information about any other instance of harassment by CBFC at @producers_guild @motionpictures.”
The issue of corruption in CBFC brought forth by actor @VishalKOfficial is extremely unfortunate.
The Government has zero tolerance for corruption and strictest action will be taken against anyone found involved. A senior officer from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting…
— Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (@MIB_India) September 29, 2023
On the other hand, ex-CBFC member Ashoke Pandit spoke about the same and demanding CBI Inquiry. He told India Today, “On behalf of IFTDA, we are writing a letter to Prasoon Joshi and demanding a CBI enquiry on this charges. The people who have taken the money are not employees of CBFC, so whoever the money was given to has to be investigated.”
#Corruption being shown on silver screen is fine. But not in real life. Cant digest. Especially in govt offices. And even worse happening in #CBFC Mumbai office. Had to pay 6.5 lacs for my film #MarkAntonyHindi version. 2 transactions. 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for…
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) September 28, 2023
Coming back, what are your thoughts on Vishal’s allegations and Centre’s response? Do let us know.
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