South actor Vishal became the talk of the town after he made a shocking revelation against The Central Board Of Film Certification (CBFC) accusing them of corruption. For the unversed, the actor in a shocking Twitter post, alleged that he paid the Film board Rs 3 lakh for screening the film and later Rs 3.5 Lakh to get a certificate. Soon after the news spread like wildfire, The Information & Broadcasting Ministry quickly addressed the same, promising to inquire the same. Now former Chairman Pahlaj Nihalani has sided with the actor, accusing of the board of corruption.
This afternoon, the official Twitter handle of I&B addressed the same and condemned the act, calling it ‘extremely unfortunate’. They further said that the government has ‘zero tolerance for corruption’. Here’s what the former Chief has to say about the same.
Speaking to ANI, former CBFC Chairman Pahlaj Nihalani said, “It is true that the producer himself has said that he has paid the bribe… This is old practice… He has exposed the CBFC very well…When this(Central) government was formed, we heard ‘Na Khaunga Na Khane dunga’… But CBFC is openly taking bribes… The Chairman does not come to office, nor does he see day-to-day work…”
#WATCH | On actor Vishal’s allegations, former CBFC Chairman Pahlaj Nihalani says, “It is true that the producer himself has said that he has paid the bribe… This is old practice… He has exposed the CBFC very well…When this(Central) government was formed, we heard ‘Na…
— ANI (@ANI) September 29, 2023
For the unversed, Vishal took to Twitter to release hi self-made video and wrote in explosive caption, “Corruption being shown on the silver screen is fine. But not in real life. Cant digest. Especially in govt offices. And even worse is happening in #CBFC Mumbai office. Had to pay 6.5 lacs for my film #MarkAntonyHindi version. 2 transactions. 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for certificate. Never faced this situation ever in my career. Had no option but to pay the concerned mediator #Menaga coz too much at stake since movie released today.”
He further wrote that the motto of making it public is bring this to the notice of Hon Chief Minister of Maharashtra and Hon Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He added, “My hard earned money gone for corruption ??? No way. Evidence down for all to hear. Hope truth prevails as always.”
#Corruption being shown on silver screen is fine. But not in real life. Cant digest. Especially in govt offices. And even worse happening in #CBFC Mumbai office. Had to pay 6.5 lacs for my film #MarkAntonyHindi version. 2 transactions. 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for…
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) September 28, 2023
This is a developing story, stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates on the same!
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