After hitting headlines for the grand success of SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali, Anushka Shetty has been in news for weeks now for her impending wedding. While the rumour mill was in overdrive with speculations of Anushka getting married to her Baahubali co-star Prabhas, reports more recently suggest Shetty’s marriage to a divorcee.
Several reports have been doing rounds of Anushka getting hitched to director Prakash Kovelamudi, who divorced Kanika Dhillon in 2017. While Shetty has been rather calm about all these speculations so far, it looks like the Arundhati actress has finally lost her cool.
Speaking to IB Times, Anushka has said, “None of that news is true. I don’t get affected by such rumours. Don’t know why my wedding is such a big deal for anyone. Nobody can hide a relationship. How can I hide my wedding? It is a very sensitive matter and people should deal it with some sensitivity.”
She further went on to say, “I have my personal space and I don’t like if someone tries to intrude into it. Marriage is a sacred space. As much as it is important to anyone, it is to me also. And the day when it really happens, people will know. I am someone who doesn’t like to hide things that make me happy. I might publicly not go announce who I am marrying. But people are always welcome to ask me, and I am ready forever to answer.”
Well, it’s certainly clear that South beauty has no plans of getting hitched any time soon.
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