Telugu star Allu Arjun, who recently recovered from Covid-19, has now ensured that his staff members above the age of 45 and their families are vaccinated.
The actor has overlooked all arrangements and is ensuring that the process is easy for them.
“Arjun has always looked after the well-being of his employees like his family, and has also gone a step ahead and ensured that the family members of his core team, who are aged above 45, are vaccinated,” said a source.
Allu Arjun tested positive for Covid-19 in April end and was under home quarantine. At that time he had tweeted: “Hello everyone, I have tested positive for Covid. I have isolated myself at home and have been following all the protocols. I request those who have come in contact with me to get tested.
“Stay home, stay safe and get vaccinated when you get the chance. I request all my well-wishers and fans not to worry about me as I am doing fine,” Allu Arjun added.
Earlier this month, Allu Arjun also shared an update assuring fans that he is recovering well. He wrote, “Hello everyone! I am doing well with very mild symptoms. Recovering well and nothing to worry about. I am still in quarantine. Thank you so much for all the love you have been showing and the prayers you have been sending my way. Gratitude.”
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