Deepika Padukone made her entry into Bollywood with Shah Rukh Khan starrer Om Shanti Om. She did a lot of experimental works – some worked wonders, others didn’t! But things took a whole different take when she was finalized for Fast & Furious 7. Unfortunately, that did not work out either but she did associate with Vin Diesel in xXx: Return Of The Xander Cage. Read on for some interesting details!
For the unversed, it was supposed to be Fast & Furious 7 that would have marked the first collab between Deepika and Vin. She gave her audition and made the cut as well, but her choc-o-bloc shooting schedule did not permit her to take the leap. She had Happy New Year, Ram Leela, Finding Fanny in the pipeline and F&F needed her to go on floors immediately!
Albeit, xXx: Return Of Xander Cage did turn out to be a blessing for Deepika Padukone. The beauty earlier charged a remuneration of 5.6-6 crores per film in Bollywood. You will be stunned to hear that the salary hiked to almost double and eventually triple. Such was the buzz created by the Vin Diesel collab.
There have been reports that Deepika Padukone started charging 15 crores per film starting with xXx: Return Of Xander Cage. She reportedly took a sum of 12 crores from Sanjay Leela Bhansali for Padmaavat, and 15 crores for other biggies!
Truly a game-changer for DP, wasn’t it?
Meanwhile, there had been rumours amid the pandemic that Deepika had been reading some Hollywood scripts as well. She even signed an International agency to help her reach out to filmmakers in the West.
On the professional front, Deepika Padukone will be next seen in Pathan. She also has a film with Prabhas, Shakun Batra’s next and The Intern remake in the pipeline.
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