It was a celebratory moment for Bollywood and Hollywood as well when the global diva Priyanka Chopra tied the knot with the love of her life Nick Jonas in 2018. However, there were a few people who bashed their nuptial bond and trolled them for various reasons. Once in an editorial, a journalist called out PeeCee as a ‘global scam artist’. Scroll below to find out what she had to say about it.
Priyanka, who carved a niche on her own in the Hindi film industry, stepped into Hollywood and created her own identity. From doing series like Quantico to big projects like Citadel, PeeCee has come a long way in Hollywood. She gets recognised as a global diva now. On the other hand, she is also happily married to Nick, and they also have a cute lil daughter named Malti.
A writer for The Cut, a website part of New York magazine, released an editorial where the writer put out her displeasure with the wedding and wrote bizarre things about the actress and the singer. However, the following day after receiving tons of backlash, the editorial was deleted and an apology that stated, “Upon further editorial review, we found this story did not meet our standards. We’ve removed it and apologise.”
In the article titled, “Is Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas‘ Love for Real?,” Mariah Smith called Priyanka Chopra Jonas as a global scam artist for marrying Nick and claimed her theory that she used the singer to gain her own success. She gave quite a few pointers to rest her case, however, The Cut updated the article before taking it down. Even though her comment about PeeCee was deleted, it stirred up the internet and is still present on Twitter.
When asked about the incident, Priyanka Chopra Jonas told Hindustan Times she doesn’t want to “react or comment. It’s not even in my stratosphere. I’m in a happy place at this moment. These kind of random things can’t disturb it.”
Nick Jonas’ brother Joe Jonas had also come in support of the duo and tweeted, “This is disgusting. @TheCut should be ashamed to have someone write such evil words. What Nick & Pri have is Beautiful Love. Thank u, Next.”
This is disgusting. @TheCut should be ashamed to have someone write such evil words. What Nick & Pri have is Beautiful Love. Thank u, Next.
— J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) December 5, 2018
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