The highly anticipated finale of The Penguin, starring Colin Farrell, aired on Sunday, November 10, marking the conclusion of a gripping season that captivated audiences worldwide. This spin-off from Matt Reeves’ 2022 film The Batman delves into the life of Oz Cobb, better known as The Penguin, chronicling his rise through the criminal underworld of Gotham in the aftermath of the events of The Batman. The series offers an intimate look at Cobb’s transformation from a mobster to a powerful figure in the city’s ruthless crime scene.
What happens in ‘The Penguin’ Episode 8?
Throughout the show, we see Oz’s character undergoing an emotional journey that culminates with the truth that his mother, Francis, knew about him killing his brothers and always hated him. Sofia tries to use Francis to break Oz completely, but almost as the Audience realizes it, Oz seemingly realizes that he loves his position in the mob more than his mother.
Oz finally manages to rally the second in command of all gang leaders, orchestrate a coup, and finally get one up over Sofia. We see how his years of being an underboss help him understand the frustrations of being in that position and the lust they might have for power. He also diplomatically manipulates Councilman Hady into making Sofia the scapegoat of the city’s criminal scene.
Oz kills Victor at the end of the show.
Victor, or Vic, was a character who always had Oz’s back. In a beautiful scene in the final episode, just when everything seems to have fallen apart for Oz, Vic is the one who lifts Oz’s spirits and reassures him. Vic even calls Oz his family.
Throughout the plot, Vic seems to be the only person that Oz seems to care about, but in the end, Oz kills his confidante unexpectedly. The sequence was filmed almost casually, making it seem even more unexpected and dark. As Oz rises to the top of the criminal scene of the city, he considers affection his weakness, and his affection for Vic could make him vulnerable in the future.
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