Best Scarlett Johansson Quotes As Black Widow
Scarlett Johansson Has Played Black Widow For Over A Decade Now(Image Credit: Movie Still)

Marvel Cinematic Universe is full of iconic characters that have their unique traits and that is what differentiates and defines them for the fans. While Robert Downey Jr’s arrogance is his USP, a very few are left to die of Chris Evans’ radiant charm. But the best trait and the edgiest character has to be that of Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff aka Scarlett Johansson and her standard Bada** s she brings to the table.

We were introduced to Black Widow more than a decade ago with Iron Man 2 and her ultimate boss lady vibes and the power to even make Tony Stark mind his words won us in just a few scenes she had. Later she made her way in many MCU flicks and went on to win hearts with her cutthroat honest lines every single time.

So while Scarlett Johansson continues fighting her battle with Disney, let us visit back the first three flicks of hers namely, Iron Man 2, The Avengers, and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Let’s list down some of her most sassy and iconic lines from the movies in part 1.

‘I would do whatever I wanted to do, with whomever I wanted to do it with.’ -[Iron Man 2]

It was Tony Stark’s birthday and a depressed Iron Man asks then undercover Black Widow aka Natalie Rushman what she would do it this was her last birthday. Natasha responds with this sultry line and that leads to the massive birthday bash the Iron Man throw and parties in the suit. He even pees in it revealing he can do that for the first time.

‘Fallaces sunt rerum species.’ – [Iron Man 2]

God this has iconic written all over it. The longest running joke in Iron Man 2 was how many languages can Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow speak. As per Tony Stark she couldn’t speak Latin as it is a dead language. But hey, she is the Black Widow and there ain’t anything she can’t do. She utters the phrase and proves him wrong like a boss. It translates to, “you can either drive yourself home, or I can have you collected.”

‘Save it for the honeymoon. You got incoming, Tony. Looks like the fight’s coming to you.’ – [Iron Man 2]

Tony Stark and Pepper’s relationship is something every Marvel fan wants to see culminating even after all these years. When in the climax the two were busy having a cute fight, Scarlett Johansson couldn’t hold back took the most killer dig at the two. Man, that was a burn!

‘Love is for children; I owe him a debt.’ –[The Avengers]

All of us low-key wanted Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton aka Hawkeye become one at many points in the MCU. One cannot argue that there’s no love between the two, but Scarlett Johansson made us shed a tear or two when she spoke about owing him a debt.

‘Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we helped make it that way. But we’re also the ones best qualified to defend it. So if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You’ll know where to find me.’ – [Captain America: Winter Soldier]

The most iconic for the last. Natasha Romanoff is in the courtroom and is giving the closing argument. She is unapologetic and regrets no move of hers. She is exposed but not guilty, and when she expresses that in those lines we all had goosebumps. And Scarlett Johansson’s head held high while walking out of the court is what we all lived for.

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