Saw X, the latest instalment of the popular horror franchise, will witness Tobin Bell returning as John Kramer for a story set between the events of the first and second movies. As expected, Kevin Greutert’s directorial is filled with gore, as the scammers get stuck in a series of elaborate traps devised by Kramer himself.
The horror film franchise has always pushed the boundaries of gore and extreme violence by putting its characters in a series of elaborate, twisted traps. It looks like the tenth instalment is pushing it even further. The filmmaker even shared an interesting anecdote where police had to get involved. Scroll down to know.
During an interview with NME, Kevin Greutert recounted a peculiar incident involving First Assistant Editor Steve Forn during the final stages of sound design for “Saw X,” specifically the intense “eye vacuum trap” sequence. The distressing screams in the scene raised concerns among neighbours who believed someone was being tortured, prompting a visit from the police seeking an explanation.
Saw X director said, “There was a knock at the door. We have the doorbell [camera] video of the police walking up, [Forn answering the door] and the police saying, ‘The neighbours [have been] calling and saying someone’s being tortured to death in here.’ And he was like, ‘Actually, I’m just working on a movie… You can come in and see it if you want?’ The cops started laughing! They said, ‘We want to but, you know, you’re all right.’” It must have been a pretty realistic performance! It’s a pretty funny story… Plus Steve is such a mild-mannered guy. I can only imagine the look on his face when he realized what was happening!”
The fact that the neighbors believed the screams to be real underscores the sheer horror and realism of the scene in question. Despite the Saw franchise’s penchant for elaborate traps, the filmmakers strive to anchor each installment in a sense of reality, aiming to ensure that every viewer is genuinely shocked by the intensity of the traps.
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