Ryan Reynolds is currently busy with his upcoming MCU release Deadpool 3 along with Hugh Jackman. On the other hand, the actor is also expecting to be a parent anytime soon with his wife Blake Lively. However, amid all of these, a lingerie brand named Harper Wilde’s ad has put Ryan under the spotlight. The creepy ad has irked the fans, and they have taken Twitter by storm regarding this. Now, the brand has apologized. Scroll below to get the scoop.
The ad that appeared under Harper Wilde’s Instagram account is now deleted. However, the lingerie brand reshared the series of pictures about the same ad and issued an apology to Ryan.
Harper Wilde released an ad about bras that stated, “This bra is like if Ryan Reynolds was gently holding up your breasts and whispering in your ear that you are doing a good job … honestly.” However, as the ad campaign compared Ryan Reynolds’ hands to the bra, it irked the netizens.
???? pic.twitter.com/uILFuFNOwW
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) January 27, 2023
Ryan Reynolds fans have taken Twitter by storm by sharing a screenshot of the ad. One wrote, “This is the worst kind of marketing,” another one wrote, “you cannot convince me a woman wrote this.” One of the tweets read as, “they’ve done it. I’m officially terrified of underwear now.”
Now, Harper Wilde has issued an apology to Ryan Reynolds and talked about the ad campaign while reacting to the tweet. They wrote, “For context, this is actually a review by a real customer originally meant to run with a series of other reviews – we thought it was cheeky enough to run as an ad, but the attribution was cut off at the bottom by the ad interface (original ad series attached!).”
Harper Wilde further continued, “The core of our brand is ultimately about designing bras by b**b-havers for b**b-havers while divesting from the male gaze. While we clearly have customers who are straight women, this single review doesn’t represent our entire brand. Our small team is 99% women and we absolutely do not condone creepy non-consensual boob-grabbing of any kind, even in a figurative hypothetical bra-review. We’re so sorry this creeped anyone out! Absolutely not our intention and we’ve pulled the ad from running.”
Hi! Our team is 99% women and we absolutely do not condone creepy non-consensual boob-grabbing of any kind, even in a figurative hypothetical bra-review. We’re very very sorry this creeped anyone out! Absolutely not our intention and we’ve pulled the ad moving forward.
— Harper Wilde (@harperwilde) January 28, 2023
Well, that’s being settled. Let us know your thoughts about the ad campaign. However, Ryan Reynolds hasn’t reacted to it.
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