Priyanka Chopra Jonas made everyone in her homeland proud as she stood tall on the Oscar dais and announced the nominations for the year 2021. The actor became the very first Indian to have ever received this honour and announce the nominations. While her fans and followers are celebrating this feat, one journalist wasn’t really impressed with the Academy’s decision to give her the opportunity.
It is not the first time Priyanka Chopra Jonas is being questioned for something. An Aussie journalist named Peter Ford, in his tweet after the Oscar nominations announcement ended questioned Priyanka and Nick Jonas’ credibility to have the privilege to announce the nominations. Meanwhile, Priyanka was not going to ignore this as she had a powerful comeback for Ford. Read on to know what the two have to say.
Peter Ford, in his now-deleted tweet, made it clear that he has no hard feelings for Priyanka Chopra Jonas or Nick Jonas but said he isn’t sure if their contribution to movies is enough to qualify them. He wrote, “No disrespect to these two, but I’m not sure their contribution to movies qualifies them to be announcing Oscar nominees.”
The tweet reached Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who decided to give him a reply. The actor asked Peter Ford to emphasise what qualifies someone for the feat. With that, she shared her filmography of over 60 films and told him to consider. Chopra wrote, “Would love your thoughts on what qualifies someone. Here are my 60+ film credentials for your adept consideration.”
Would love your thoughts on what qualifies someone. Here are my 60+ film credentials for your adept consideration @mrpford
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) March 16, 2021
With the tweet, Priyanka shared a screengrab video scrolling through her filmography online. The tweet is receiving a great response, and fans are cheering for the Citadel actor. Meanwhile, Priyanka wasn’t just announcing the nominations but is also a part of them. Her Netflix film The White Tiger is nominated for Beat Adapted Screenplay at the 93rd Oscars
What are your thoughts on Peter Ford’s tweet about Priyanka Chopra Jonas & Nick Jonas? Let us know in the comments section below.