Sushant Singh Rajput’s tragic demise on June 14, 2020, shocked the Bollywood industry and his fans worldwide. The actor passed away due to suicide and was found hanging in his house by his help at his Bandra residence. Since then, friends and fans of the actor have been sharing fond memories of Sushant on social media. Now famous YouTuber, PewDiePie has posted a tribute video on his page in honour of the late actor.
In his tribute video for the actor, PewDiePie started with the actor’s introduction and the various accolades he received both in reel and real life. Then he went on to play some clips from his interviews and showcased his photos. One of the videos included in his tribute is that of Sushant Singh Rajput speaking at IIT Bombay – this video had gone viral around the time of his death.
PewDiePie listened to it with utmost interest, and in the end, he gave a round of applause for Sushant Singh Rajput’s wisdom and intelligence that actor showed in what he said. The Youtuber was impressed at how mature he was and at times did relate to him as well.
Titled ‘Reacting to Sushant Singh Rajput,’ this tribute video is something desi netizens didn’t expect especially from a renowned YouTuber like PewDiePie. Talking about the video, the Youtuber pointed to the ‘shy point’ Sushant made in the speech saying, “I was an introvert as well and for me, YouTube became a platform for me to express myself.”
He concluded his video by saying he was not able to come around to his tragic suicide. He said, “as someone who loves to live in the moment, I cannot make sense out of committing suicide.”
PewDiePie chose not to dwell in the ‘theories’ floating around as well.
This video struck a chord with his fans and followers. Sushant Singh Rajput’s fans took to Twitter and thanked Youtuber PewDiePie for the tribute video.
Some of their posts are as follows:
#pewdiepie made a beautiful video on Sushant Singh Rajput
Indians to #pewdiepie
— Razatistic (@razatistic) July 23, 2020
PewDiePie pays tributes to Sushant Singh Rajput in his new video,
Indians to PewDiePie:— 💤💤 (@iamjitusrivas) July 24, 2020
Pewdiepie huge respect for you man…here are some great actors and famous youtubers that don't have time to ask for CbI enquiry or to make a tribute video for Sushant also after knowing him..and you who don't know him much made a tribute video on him..respect to you #pewdiepie
— SSRian (@BandhanJha1) July 24, 2020
When Felix started clapping for Sushant i almost cried.
Respect for this man has been skyrocketedHe didnt go in the details, just a direct tribute, HATS OFF to you pewds
— prachee (@pracheevaiti) July 24, 2020
Bollywood so called celebrities : Who Sushant , Not hot , don't date first co-star , kill Sushant bla bla 😠👎Worldwide Youtuber pewdiepie : Tribute Sushant Singh Rajput He doesn't even know him well is called humanity love respect…. Love for 🇮🇳 #pewdiepie ♥️♥️
— Anu_Justice for Sushant (@8_susu8) July 24, 2020
Even the world's most successful YouTuber is sayin that Sushant can't commit suicide 🙃!
Sushant 💔, please come back, please.#pewdiepie— Being evil has a price 😈 (@evil_price) July 23, 2020
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