Late British actor Alan Rickman, who was best known for his portrayal of Professor Snape in eight movies of the Harry Potter franchise, had once expressed his disagreement towards the scene where Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Rickman used to keep a journal of his observations which were published last year. A few of the extracts from the journal called Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries made it to a leading publication revealing the late actor’s opinions on things that mattered to him.
Alan Rickman, as per reports, started keeping a journal in 1992 and apart from his day-to-day life as an actor, the actor also spoke about his colleagues and the movies he was part of. He also once spoke about Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe saying these kids needed direction. Scroll down to read more.
As per The Independent, Alan Rickman in his journal expressed his concern towards the scene where Dumbledore dies claiming that it lacked drama and the book-to-script translation did not have much gravitas. In the journal, Rickman wrote, “The scene seems oddly lacking in drama-on the page- but that is absolute cause and effect of screenplays that have to conflate (deflate) the narrative.” Rickman also stated how the characters’ motivations weren’t properly conveyed and therefore, it would not matter to the audience. The actor at the time then fought to remove a line mentioned in the script about which in the journal he said, “To wit, I argue (successfully, today) that a line of Snape’s, ‘I gave my word. I made a vow,’ was confusing and diluting.”
In the journal, Alan Rickman once mentioned how he wanted to quit the role of Snape but a special message from the author JK Rowling changed his perception. “I have finished reading the last ‘Harry Potter’ book. Snape dies heroically, Potter describes him to his children as one of the bravest men he ever knew and calls his son Albus Severus,” wrote Rickman in 2007.
He added, “This was a genuine rite of passage. One small piece of information from Jo Rowling seven years ago – Snape loved Lily – gave me a cliff edge to hang on to.”
Alan Rickman passed away in 2016 after losing a battle with cancer. Apart from his mysterious role as Professor Snape, the actor earlier appeared in Bruce Willis starrer Die Hard.
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