Splitsvill X5’s Rushali Yadav’s entry into the fashion industry was unexpected. Initially a science and biology student, she discovered her true passion for design, leading her to pursue a degree in leather designing at NIFT Raebareli. During college, her seniors encouraged her to explore modeling, and despite initial hesitation, Rushali took the leap. Her first taste of success came when she won the title of Campus Princess in Kanpur, marking the beginning of her fashion journey. Talking exclusively with Koimoi, Rushali tells us her journey that will inspire a lot of the youth aspiring to follow their dreams!
In 2017-18, Rushali Yadav gained recognition as the runner-up in India’s Next Top Model and participated in Miss India and Miss Diva pageants. However, it wasn’t until she moved to Mumbai in 2019 that her career truly took off. Determined to make a name for herself, she dedicated herself to learning and self-improvement. “I started by working on shows for free, honing my skills, and grooming myself to become a professional model. I’ve been fortunate to have the support of my parents, who never discouraged me from pursuing my dreams. Coming from a small town in Rajasthan, Ajmer, I’m aware of the challenges that come with breaking into the fashion industry. Nevertheless, I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and proud of how far I’ve come. My experiences have taught me that success is a result of hard work, and I’m excited to see what the future holds,” says Rushali.
Rushali Yadav’s journey into Television
The Splitsvilla X5 contestant’s journey in the television industry began with a dream come true when she auditioned for India’s Next Top Model, a show she had been fascinated with since childhood.
“Growing up, I would often watch the program and imagine myself on the runway, competing alongside talented models. When the opportunity to audition arose, I grabbed it, and my passion and dedication led me to become a part of the show. Being a contestant on India’s Next Top Model marked the starting point of my television career, and it was an exciting experience that opened doors to new opportunities and challenges. The show not only provided a platform for me to showcase my modelling skills but also taught me valuable lessons about hard work and self-confidence. From that moment on, I knew that I wanted to continue exploring the television industry and was eager to take on new roles and projects,” Rushali shares.
Rushali Yadav’s personal struggles and growth
To achieve success, one must be willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to overcome obstacles. And Rushali believes that struggle is an unavoidable part of any journey.
“In my opinion, struggles are an important aspect of personal growth, and if you haven’t faced challenges, you haven’t truly learned life’s valuable lessons. Personally, I can attest to this. When I first moved to Mumbai, I had no connections or support system to rely on; all I had was my will. However, I was fortunate to have my parents’ and friends’ financial and emotional support, which helped me navigate the tough times. Through my experiences, I’ve come to realize that struggles are not obstacles to be feared, but rather opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Embracing struggles and learning from them has been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today,” Rushali reflects.
Rushali Yadav’s first paycheck and investment in the future:
Rushali’s first paycheck was modest, earned from a discreet project during her college days that paid 20,000 for four days of work across multiple cities. Ironically, she had to use that entire amount to fund her flight tickets to Mumbai for a portfolio shoot, an important investment in her budding career.
“My first paycheck went towards facilitating my first-ever flight and kickstarting my portfolio, marking a milestone in my journey. It’s a memory I cherish, not just because it was my first paycheck, but also because it represented the initial sparks of my passion to pursue a career in the fashion industry,” Rushali recalls.
Participating in India’s Next Top Model marked a great turning point in Rushali’s career. Her story is one of perseverance, passion, and determination.
Stay tuned to Koimoi to read more about Rushali Yadav and her bond with Harsh Arora, love, and much more!
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