Thalapathy Vijay’s The Greatest Of All Time released in theatres yesterday. As expected, the film took a thunderous start in Tamil Nadu and other strong regions of the superstar, but it didn’t perform on the expected lines in Telugu states (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana). Several reasons are being cited behind the underperformance of the film, but the ultimate truth is that it might end up being a big losing affair at the Telugu box office. Keep reading for a detailed report!
Vijay enjoys a massive fan base in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and his films have performed brilliantly there in the past. Almost all of his recent affairs have earned good returns for the buyers. With such a past, Mythri Movie Makers bought the theatrical rights of The GOAT with full confidence by locking a deal at 22 crores, as per reports. But now, after analyzing the opening day performance, it seems that Mythri might suffer big losses.
As per Track Tollywood’s report, The Greatest Of All Time’s breakeven of Telugu states is 40 crores, and the recovery on the opening day is less than 10%. For front-loaded commercial entertainers, the opening weekend is crucial in deciding the film’s fate; for that, the opening day needs to be stronger. In the case of The GOAT, that hasn’t happened.
After an underwhelming start at the box office, the advance booking for the entire weekend is not so good, and even word-of-mouth is mixed, so The Greatest Of All Time might fail to pull off a strong debut in Telugu states. So, getting up to the collection of 40 crores might become very difficult. But it’s not over yet. If the film shows a good jump over the weekend and maintains a stronghold on weekdays, it can avoid being a losing affair.
The crisis caused by floods is said to be one of the reasons the film is being impacted in Telugu states. Also, a lack of chartbuster music and underwhelming promotional material played spoilsport.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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