A promising rising star has been introduced in Bollywood with Ahan Shetty. His Tadap has done fair business at the box office with 21.03 crores* coming in the first week. On Thursday, the film collected 1.50 crores* more, and compared to 4.05 crores that were accumulated on Friday, this has been a fair enough trajectory.
For a film that stars a newcomer in the lead, and has been released at a time when audiences are just getting used to stepping into theatres again, at least a start has been made. Before Tadap, there have been a handful of movies featuring newcomers that have done decent to good business, and among them are Student of the Year and Heropanti. Sajid Nadiadwala was the man behind Heropanti and Tiger Shroff is now a huge star. One now waits to see how Ahan Shetty grabs his chances from here and stays in the big league.
The Milan Luthria directed film has managed decent showcasing for itself in the second week as well and that should allow it a nice run at least till 24th December when Sajid Nadiadwala’s own 83 arrives.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
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